Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another Halloween come and gone

The "ooh, ahh" effect is what I like to call it. I like Halloween because even though it is always a lot of work, I get rewarded with the "oohs and ahhs" over the costumes that I create. As long as I have at least one of my kids that gives me the "ooh, ahh effect", I'm happy. I just about wanted to throw in the towel this year because I ran into a lot of problems trying to figure out exactly how to make them and of course being down to the wire. I think I made things more difficult than they needed to be, but I seem to have a knack for that. I was happy with how they turned out. I made Seth's costume, which is Jango Fett, a bounty hunter from Star Wars. He was quite happy with the costume. We already had a Darth Vader costume and that's what Zach chose to be. Malia chose to be Ariel and she was happy with a mermaid costume that my Sis Jaynan made that I borrowed. Since Malia was supposed to be Ariel, I made a Sebastian the Crab costume for Jonah. Jonah actually really enjoyed his costume. I was surprised because I thought he would find his claws rather annoying. Malia was Ariel for a few Halloween events that we went to, but on Halloween night she decided she was going as a fairy instead because she had been dressed up in it all day. As long as she has a crown on, she's happy. I couldn't ever get her to cooperate very well for a picture (or anything for that matter)in the mermaid costume, so unfortunately I don't have a good photo. She wouldn't take off the shirt she had on underneath. Everytime someone commented on the cute little lobster while trick or treating she corrected them and explained that he was Sebastian because she was supposed to be Ariel, but she changed her mind an hour before. Probably more info than they wanted.

The weather was beautiful for Halloween and we had a great time. Jonah was so cute! He loves pumpkins and would go up to people's porches and give their pumpkins a hug. Then many times after getting his candy he would spin around until he got dizzy and fell down. We ended up with a ton of candy. The school did a candy buy back for extra PE time, so they boys took some of theirs to school (all the stuff with nuts that they couldn't eat anyway). Zach's class alone brought in 40 lbs of candy...good grief!.

My kids are already talking about what to be next year. (Actually I got them started on that.) Hopefully I'll get started on costumes earlier next year. Hey, there's always wishful thinking. For now, as fun as it was, I'm glad this Halloween is over. Too bad the candy won't be gone for a long time still!

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